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LibHTTP API Reference – httplib_free()

httplib_free( ptr );


Parameter Type Description
ptr void * Pointer to the memory block which must be freed

Return Value



The function httplib_free() frees a block of memory which has been previously allocated by httplib_calloc(), httplib_malloc() or httplib_realloc(). If a callback function has been registered with the httplib_set_alloc_callback_func() function, this function will be called to signal to the main application that a block of memory has been freed. The amount of bytes passed to the callback function is negative, to indacte that memory has been returned to the heap.

Due to the allocation of extra data space for tracking the memory allocation, the LibHTTP memory management functions including the httplib_free() function are incompatible with the memory allocation functions provided by the platform. Memory allocated with one set of functions can not be reallocated or freed by the others. Memory corruption or crashes may occur in that case.

See Also